Why Renting A Self-Storage Unit Is Better Than Buying A Shed For Your Backyard

If you're running out of storage space in your garage, you might consider buying a shed for your backyard. Before you do, compare the benefits of renting a self-storage unit with having a shed in your yard. Here are reasons why keeping your belongings in a storage facility might be the best idea.

Your Belongings Are Safer In Self-Storage

Backyard sheds are often targets for thieves since many people keep tools in sheds that are easy to steal and sell. Even good neighborhoods can be victimized by thieves looking to break into sheds.

A self-storage facility usually has an excellent security system that keeps your belongings safe. Facilities have different security measures, so if security is your main concern, then find a self-storage unit that has features such as security fencing, gated entry, good lighting, alarms, and video surveillance.

A Shed Takes Up Yard Space

If you have a small yard, you may not want a shed to take up your valuable space. Plus, a shed may become an eyesore as it ages. It's one more thing you'll have to maintain to keep in good shape. The shed might rust, rot, or fall apart. This could make it easier to break into and make it an unattractive addition to your yard.

When you rent a storage unit, you can use your yard for other purposes, such as putting in a garden, planting flowers, or installing a pool or swings for the kids.

A Self-Storage Unit Can Have Climate Control

One bad thing about keeping belongings in an outdoor shed is that your things are subject to changing weather conditions. This limits the things you can put in your shed since freezing temperatures or sweltering heat can harm things made of wood or fabric.

You can rent a storage unit that has climate control so the temperature never reaches cold or hot extremes. Climate control can also keep humidity down so you don't have to worry about mildew or rust.

A Storage Unit Could Be Less Expensive

If you know you want permanent long-term storage, then a shed may be a better choice, but if your needs are for just a period of months, then renting a self-storage unit might cost less than building a shed or buying one already made.

The cost of a storage unit varies by size and whether it has climate control. Call a storage facility for prices and compare those prices with the cost of getting a shed that is large enough, weathertight, and attractive. You may find the most affordable choice is to rent a self-storage unit. Contact a storage facility near you like MaxSecure Storage for more information. 

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A Safe Storage Space

This website is a safe place to read about storage, just like storage facilities are a safe place to keep things you don't read right now. We won't judge you for holding onto those shoes you have not worn in five years or the sofa with an outdated print. We get it; you like to save things for later, just in case. Storage facilities exist to make sure people like you are able to hold onto things. You never know when you might want those shoes, or when you'll move to an apartment where that sofa happens to look perfect. Enjoy the content we have to offer on this website, and enjoy your storage unit, too.



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